Support to Education Institutions

Every child wants to learn, and every child has the right to an education. UNESCO reports 264 million  of boys and girls are denied access to education.

From poverty and household chores, child labour to conflict and child marriage, children face multiple barriers in their quest for a quality education. Joshua's Home and her coalition of charities are working to ensure that every child has the opportunity to graduate from high school and reach his/her full potential.

Pupils who complete secondary school are more likely to escape poverty and to see their own children survive and thrive.

100% of your donation will go towards the cause you give for.
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    Global Education Challenges

    In many countries around the world, there are multiple barriers standing in the way of girls getting an education, ranging from insufficient or unsafe transportation, to the high cost of books and other necessary learning materials to gender norms at a community level.

    An important part of  Joshua's Home global mission in education is to work with sponsors to strengthen programs that have been shown to positively impact student enrollment, attendance and learning-programs like school feeding programs,  school fee waivers, bicycle transportation  and child care . Joshua's Home Inc and partners have found  pathways through which different types of social protection measures can address barriers to education across childhood and adolescence.

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    • At its peak, the COVID-19 pandemic forced 1.6 billion children out of school, threatening learning loss and development setbacks for an entire generation — and jeopardizing  futures  of all.
    • It’s estimated that more than 10 million girls who left school temporarily during COVID-19 lockdowns may never return. Girls ages 12 to 17 are at particular risk of dropping out of school for good — and suffering layered and lasting harms as a result.
    • In Pakistan, access to education has long been a challenge for girls. Cultural practices, displacement and other barriers persist.
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    • Girls ages 10 to 14 spend roughly 50 percent more time than boys doing household chores like caring for younger siblings, feeding livestock and fetching water — responsibilities that can interfere with schooling.
    • When families are pushed deeper into poverty, the pressures on girls and boys to go to work or girls to marry increase; without the daily structure and safety that schools provide, their risks of suffering exploitation and abuse multiply.
    • Thousands of schools in Cameroon have been damaged or destroyed by war. Millions of school-age children who have been displaced by the conflict face lifelong education losses.

    Educate Today, Change Tomorrow

    From building schools and training teachers, to providing tuition assistance, school supplies and innovative e-learning programs, our education efforts unlock the minds of students and empower them to not just survive, but to thrive.

    When you invest in education, you invest in the unlimited promise of human potential to create a brighter, more equitable world for all. Join us in eliminating illiteracy, eradicating poverty, and cultivating generations of thinkers and leaders.

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